Monday, 16 November 2009


Overall I am very pleased with this preliminary task. We have created a clip that meets all the requirements needed;
  • A character opening a door

  • Someone sitting down in a chair opposite another character, with whom she/he then exchanges a couple of lines of dialogue

  • Match on action

  • shot/reverse shot

  • 180 degree rule

When the brief was introduced I was quite excited about the task. I enjoy filming, and I was in a group with people I get along with, so there was no issues. However as we progressed we faced quite a few problems, such as continuity etc.

Our grouped lacked in communication which was another big problem. This resulted in no storyboard to follow while filming. Even though this was not necessarily a bad thing as it meant we could experiment with shots, a storyboard would have worked as a guide and was something we needed to do to keep our class teacher happy.

If I would give advice to someone embarking on the preminary task now, I would say;
  1. Be very organised- know what you are doing regarding actors, set locations, etc

  2. Interact with your group members outside the classroom. Meaning meet up or talk to arrange things and so you know whats going on

  3. Be grown up and take the task seriously. If people are mucking around then it is impossible to get the work done.

As well as learning a lot during this task, I was also able to help people in my group who had less experience. If I was to re-do this task again, I would get more involved in the editing.


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