Thursday, 12 November 2009


Filming was what I was most excited about and I feel we used our time very effectively; Every member of our group got a chance to use the camera and film different parts. However, we did face many problems leading up to the filming;

  1. With one tripod between three groups, most parts of our film was filmed hand-held. The problem we had with this was some shots looked shaky and unprofessional.

  2. As we shot our scene over a few days, one problem we had was continuity. Ollie's costume changes twice throughout the film which is quite noticeable. If we were to re-do this task I would definitely make sure the characters have the same costume. This can be done by being more organised and by interacting more with my group outside the classroom.

But with all that sorted, I felt the filming ran smoothly. We managed to get a lot of different shots which were really useful in the editing suite.
The camera we used to film was a Canon mv930 camcorder. It was quite simple to use and nothing was too complicated, however the quality was not that good

Camera Info

We tried to attract our audience by only having two characters, we thought this would bring the audience closer to them and make it feel more personal. We used a lot of low angled shots so the audience were aware of which character is in control. This is highlighted when Ollie gets down on his knees to propose . The shot is from Kushi's view looking down at Ollie. By doing this, it suggests to the audience that Kushi is in control and has the power at that particular moment in the scene.

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